Wednesday, November 27, 2019


A freeware tool to recover accidentally deleted partitions. HDD Capacity Restore 1. To allow booting legacy operating systems, floppy images, hard disk images and some ISO images. A powerful system information utility. Backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write, etc. Video Memory Stress Test 1. winntsetup

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Rootkit Revealer is an patent-pending root kit detection utility. High-end professional system information tool. To read and write ntfs partitions from Dos. Registry Restore Wizard 1.

System Speed Test 4. Copy old hard drive to a new hard drive by copying the entire contents of one drive to another, CopyWipe can also help prevent confidential or private data from being recovered, by securely wiping the contents of a drive. Leave a comment below. WinNTSetup is designed to customize your Windows operating system before you install it primarily for mass deployment. Some examples are removing winntseutp to" arrows, disable system restore, XP style taskbar buttons, show Wijntsetup Launch, etc.

Find the license keys and serial numbers of your programs. Smart Partition Recovery 3. You just need winbtsetup select the location of the Windows installation files, the location of the boot drive, and the location of the installation drive. A simple harddisk partition manager. It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.

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Die hoffentlich erfolgreich erstellte iso-Datei ist nun auf eine DVD zu brennen. Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data.


IB Process Manager 1. Users of Windows 10 are now more interested in privacy, removing Cortana and other settings that are missing here.


Scans minidump files for BSOD crash information. SoftPerfect File Recovery 1. PST Personal Folders file. This tool will help you to find right drivers for your devices and download the latest device drivers with few simple clicks. Bei der Virtual PC basierten com! It tests CPU, harddrive, ect.

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BIOS password remover cmospwd. To read-only access ntfs partitions from Dos. Find lost space on your disks the easy way. Virtual Floppy Drive 2. Browser, Dateimanager 7-Zip 9. Anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware.

A registry compare utility that allows you to quickly take a snapshot of your registry and then compare it with a second one: A tool to test cpu, video, winntzetup disk. Reset Windows Password is the most powerful solution for recovering or resetting all types of Windows account passwords: Mini Excel with all of the basic features of a spreadsheet program. Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes.

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