Friday, December 6, 2019


It's about the rise of right-wing political over the past couple of years. You're the furthest away, where the street is the principal and the financial sector of the ghetto is the kilo. I was curious to know the meaning of these lyrics, I had kind of grasped that it was about failed integration and racism but I didn't expect it to be so violent at politicians. And yeah, it's kind of unusual for Swedish rappers to be this "violent". Lastly, the bit marked as performed by Aleks is the chorus, which is naturally repeated throughout the song. In the context of the song, "brown" or "brown shirt" means Nazi, referring to the uniforms of Nazi Germany. sebbe staxx tystas ner

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It must have taken you some time to write down all these little things the song refers to and that might not be understandable to people outside of Sweden. The song as a whole is a reaction to the increasing popularity of the Sweden Democrats, a Swedish far-right political party known for their anti-immigration views and conservative views regarding Swedish national identity. He says he's proud to be Swedish, but ashamed to be a "svenne", which is a word that has no real equivalent in English as far as I know.

I was curious to know the meaning of these lyrics, I had kind of grasped that it was about failed integration and racism but I didn't expect it to be so violent at politicians.

In some ways, it's the opposite of "blatte": Swbbe you very much. What he's saying is that, though he's proud of his family, origin, and upbringing, if the Sweden Democrats represent what it means to be truly Swedish, then he'd be ashamed to be a true Swede.

The smell of gas is presumably a reference to the gas chambers of the Nazi concentration camps.

sebbe staxx tystas ner

Tystas Ner English translation. Widely considered to be a racist, xenophobic party, to the point where all other mainstream political parties have refused to work with them, they have grown to be a noteworthy force in modern Swedish politics. I've assumed that the first is a name and the second is a phrase in some language, but I haven't been able to work it.

He was fined for making illegal threats. This is a bit of a rabbit hole, but Sebbe is calling Virtanen out for calling Promoe out for calling out Carl Bildt a former prime minister. Lastly, the bit marked as performed by Aleks is the chorus, which is naturally repeated throughout the song.

Tystas Ner (English translation)

nsr Tensta as in Adam Tensta's stage name is a suburb of Stockholm populated predominately by immigrants. The desire is great, we've waited enough, see what happened when you turn on a brother?

Sebbe is as far as I can tell of Norwegian heritage, and is holding Hansson responsible for striking a deal with Nazi Germany while Denmark and Norway resisted. Per Albin Hansson was prime minister during World War 2. This song came out a short time after and is in some ways his way of showing that he hasn't given up yet. More translations of "Tystas Ner". tydtas

Stress - Tystas Ner lyrics + English translation

Become a translator Request new lyrics sebbee. Iblis is the Muslim name of the Devil. The same cowardly mentality Per Albin showed when he let Hitler occupy my countrymen. In others, it refers to a kind of stereotypical, mainstream, narrow-mindedness. The word "minority" in "neighboorhood minority" is actually a bit of a linguistic cheat.

Idioms from "Tystas Ner". It's about the rise of right-wing political over the past couple of years. You're the furthest away, where the street is the principal and the financial sector of the ghetto is the kilo. Drinking, drugs, strippers, fraternizing with organized crime, etc.

sebbe staxx tystas ner

Login tytas register to post comments. He was fined for it, and this song is to an extent his way of tyztas that he's not been beaten. It's actually a kind of "take that" from the first guy, Sebbe Staxx. Promoe mentions "lasermen", which is a reference to an infamous Swedish attempted serial killer ten attacked, one death referred to as the "Laserman" who was active in the early 90s, so called because he used a rifle with a laser scope to attack immigrants.

To be honest, I don't know what "Woria Firi" and "Choni barqerbam wagwan" mean. Kent Ekeroth is a Sweden Democrat.

It might be worth mentioning that all of the performers except Promoe as far as I know are of non-Swedish heritage, although some would not consider Norway to be foreign enough to count. It isn't specific to any one race, except insofar as it targets people who are visibly of foreign heritage.

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